Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 16th April 2020

Happy Thursday!

Maths - Assessment on the blocks of learning

Now that you have completed the learning on Ratio and Proportion, I would like you to complete three end of unit assessments: decimals, percentages and ratio. It is important that you work through these independently to give a true reflection of where you are at.

Have a go at each mini assessment, trying your best and reading the question carefully. I will post the answers tomorrow on my learning blog and you can mark your work. I am then expecting for you to send me an email on Purple Mash with your results for each of the assessments.

Good luck!

English Romeo and Juliet - Today you are going to write the next paragraphs of either Romeo or Juliet’s diary - The Balcony Scene -the torment that belong to two warring families, Romeo makes his presence known and they declare their love and arrange their marriage. These are the next three boxes from your planning sheet. You can choose whether to write as Romeo or as Juliet. Think about the language you will use.

I have found an example that you can use to base your writing on. My example is from Romeo’s perspective. I have left the links below so that you can watch the film again and read the texts again. These will help you to capture the moment.

The PowerPoint below gives an example of my diary and the success criteria for this piece of writing. By the end of the week you will have a completed piece of writing, writing different paragraphs each day, You will then be submitting this piece of writing via Purple Mash at the end of the week. I look forward to reading your writing.

RE - The Transforming Spirit

Today we are starting a new unit of work all about the Transforming Spirit. Below is a scanned copy of the pupil text book for the entire unit. I will tell you which pages I would like you to focus on.

Read page 86 & 87: Disciples of Jesus, Mission to the World, The Ascension. Can you answer the following questions?

  • What evidence is there that Jesus still trusted his Apostles?

  • What does this tell you about him?

  • Why did they lock themselves in the Upper room?

    Draw your own image of the ascension. What key themes do you want to illustrate? How do you want Jesus to appear? Who do you want around him?

Have a fun day of learning!
Don’t forget to join the school community at 7pm in prayer - 3 Hail Marys.