Reception home learning for Monday 30th March

1. PE with Joe Wicks—I know that many of you are enjoying taking part in this each morning as a family… we are going to be very fit at the end of this! ( )

2. Phonics: Please practise one of those tricky sounds that you identified last week.

I have also set a new “To do” on Purple mash. The children need to read the word and choose either ‘m’ or ‘n’ to complete the word, by dragging the letter into place. This challenge can be completed today or tomorrow. I look forward to seeing how you get on!

(Purple mash logins are on Reception’s home page under the tab, “Websites to use whilst learning at home”)

3. Sum Dog: There is a new challenge set for today and tomorrow. Can you compare the lengths of 2 objects using non-standard forms of measure? Enjoy!

4. RE: Today I would like the children to listen to the bible story, “Feeding the 5000.” You can watch a short video of the story on Youtube following this link: .

After watching this video, please reflect on the little boys actions, discussing the importance of sharing. Using your working from home book, I would then like you to draw a picture to reflect the story. E.g a drawing of Jesus sharing the loaves and fishes. You could then write anything that your child says or remembers about the story somewhere on this picture to show their understanding.

*** Please save some toilet roll tubes, cereal boxes, bottle lids etc. These will be needed for Friday’s learning challenge. I thought that it would be fun to use our creativity to create a new friend/monster/robot. And then to send me a picture of your creation that I can upload onto the end of week blog.***

Don’t forget to share your photos with me via email! It has been lovely to see how you are all getting on at home!

Miss Bassett.