"Often the most difficult path leads to your best self"

Together we have reached the end of our third week of learning from home!!!

It is always wonderful to see your work and hear about how you are all getting on. A massive shout out to parents for all your amazing help and support. I receive emails throughout the day and so many of you send photographs which really help me to see the fruits of our continued labour. If you haven’t emailed since we returned on Tuesday please do. We can reestablish our communication and I can continue to encourage your children online. Some children are so funny when they email it is like chatting to them on the play ground, Alice jokes, Evelin gives me teaching suggestions, Elizabeth is always first back with her work in the morning, Ethan is determined to pile as many items as possible on sumdog, Frankie is getting up at 6:30 to get cracking and Hannah has spotted a great error on the maths this week (I included it on the photo montage). I wait daily for Tess’ baking photo to come in and Jakub is setting the bar for detailed and thorough work!! Callum Sean is motivating himself and his siblings and Oliver chats daily via-email and its good to know his puppies are fine! Francesca and Archie are storming through the maths, Jayden is working his socks off and camping overnight in the garden as is Jack, Lila and Kyla are really proud of all their maths. Leo and Casey have been set extra work as the family create presentations to share and played Uno in the garden! As you can see from the photo Daisy is focused and has used sumdog to master those table facts. Isabella and Darcey are working hard and supporting their key worker parents!! Keep being brilliant class!!!

I will share again next week what we have been up to.

Please keep in touch - send pictures and tell me how you are getting on- it is so lovely to celebrate you!

God Bless
