“To find yourself, think for yourself.” - Socrates

Here we are, the end of Week 3 of home learning and getting ready for another 3 weeks. As we heard from the government this week, we know that we won’t be returning to school in the near future - but I still have lots of hope that we will be back before the Summer holidays start. I look forward to seeing you all again.

Keep sending me lots of photos of the children working at home. Any of the art that the children complete for Mrs Curtis, if you could send them to me as well, I would be really grateful. If the children haven’t contacted me yet either on through the blog or email either n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk or via 2email on Purple Mash, please can you ask them to do so. Communication is so important at the moment and I am really eager to keep a dialogue with every child. Troy, Amber and Evie C are great with their daily emails…please get involved!

To my wonderful parents, thank you so much. The photographs and emails that I am receiving are testament to the hard work that you are putting in at home. This is not an easy time for anybody and then to have learning as well, I can imagine that it is tricky. We are asking you to find a new dimension to the relationships that you have with your children. The parent role has now been extended to include teacher. I hope the children are responding to their new ‘teacher’ in a positive and respectful way…just like they would if they were in school.

To my beautiful class…keep going! You are the generation that will look back on this time and for it to appear quite strange. We know that this is not what we had planned for and what we had hoped to be doing at this time of year but these circumstances provide you with an enormous opportunity. An opportunity to be independent - this is how you will be operating at high school next year; an opportunity to be creative with your learning approach - how are you timetabling yourself and just how are you presenting your work when you aren’t being directed to; an opportunity to reflect on your strengths and development points independently - are you someone who whizzes through your work as quickly as you can or do you take pride in what you are producing as you know that this is a learning skill; an opportunity to work from home - for some people this is what they do in their career, it might help you decide where you want to work when you are older; and and opportunity to just be!

Here is a celebration of all of the work that you have been completing this week!


What beautiful work…it really made me smile seeing you outside and taking such fantastic photographs. I love photography, I find it really relaxes me and I see the beauty of things that sometimes you cannot see. I said I would complete a piece of artwork too. I am half way through…what do you think?

My jobs over the next few days:

  • I will be marking your Holbeck Hall pieces of work. Keep an eye out for your feedback. Thank you for putting so much effort into theses.

  • Getting a new selection of books ready. Some of you may be running out of space in your books. Do you need some new ones? I will get some ready for you in the school office for you to collect.

  • I am in the office on Monday at school working from there. If anyone needs to speak to me, that would be a good time to touch base.

Have a wonderful weekend with your family. This weather is certainly a blessing at this time. Enjoy the sunshine.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan