Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning Year 6!

MATHS - WHITE ROSE HOME LEARNING - Summer Term Week 2 Lesson 2 Angles in Regular Polygons.

Please complete the learning by watching the video and completing the work that has been set. Mark your own work and correct anything that needs correcting.

Fluency - Have a look at the fluency board below.

ENGLISH - ROMEO AND JULIET What is your favourite scene from Romeo and Juliet?

Can you create your favourite scene from Romeo and Juliet and interpret this in a comic strip? You can either use a To Do that I have set on Purple Mash or Storyboard That. This is a far more complex website to use but it will produce better results for you.


RE - Continue your lesson on Peter from yesterday’s learning.

Optional Learning - Spanish

This week’s lesson online is how to introduce yourself in Spanish. Always useful if you go on holiday there.

Don’t forget your high school transition tasks that I need.

High School Transition - As part of your transition to high school, I need to put you into form groups. I usually do this based on the friendship groups that you tell me for your bedrooms at Water Parks. As I did not get that information from you, I need YOU to email me. Either to or via Purple Mash. This has to come from you and not your parents. High school is about being independent so I want to hear from you directly. I would like 5 friends emailing to me who you would like to be in the same form as. You will not be able to be with all five but I will make sure you are with a selection.

I also want you to start thinking about your favourite Our Ladys memory. This can be from nursery - right the way through to Year 6. Something that stands out to you as a memory which will not be forgotten and may have had a profound impact on you. It can be anything, the day you met a new friend, a school trip, a sporting moment, a lesson - anything. Get thinking! I will be asking you to do something with it in coming weeks.

Don’t forget to join the school community with three Hail Marys at 7pm tonight.