Good morning Year 3. Thank you for all of your photos yesterday. We hope that you are ready for another day of exciting challenges. Work hard and have fun and don’t forget to keep smiling and be kind.
Choose a quiet place and get out your book. Read for about 30 minutes. Don’t forget to quiz if you have finished your book. Lots of you are nearly at your target. Think carefully about the questions and don’t rush. Let us know if you reach your target and then we can celebrate. Isabella has met her target for the second time this half term - wow! Fantastic reading Isabella. Enjoy this quiet time to get lost in your reading and maybe you could join our 100% bunch of readers!
Here are the answers to yesterday’s maths challenges.
Here are today’s maths challenges, please click below.
Yesterday you looked at your Chapter 1 again and edited it. Re-read it again because today we are going to carry on and write Chapter 2 and you need to know where you were up to.
Re-read Chapter 2 of the House Haunting - click on the button below.
You are going to use the chapter above to help you to write, but you are going to make it your own. Look carefully at how the author has used description and powerful verbs. Look at how they have added adverbs and a little speech. Using the same sort of plan as the author in the story you are going to write your own Chapter 2.
Think carefully about how you are going to describe the inside of the house as the boys (or girls) move from room to room exploring. Make sure you create a clear picture with your words. (The house in the story is musty and dusty. It’s quiet and still. Cool but there is a chink of sunlight coming in through the window.) What do you want your house to look like? Think about the best words to choose for the best impact. Remember to think carefully about the verbs that you use - select really powerful ones to add to the impact of your story. You want to create excitement and suspense in your chapter.
When the boys (or girls) venture upstairs (that’s a good powerful verb!!) make sure that it gets even more exciting. Have one of the children whisper something. What will they say? (Don’t forget to use “ “ around what they say.)
Then as you describe them going up the stairs, add the noise that they hear - what sort of noise is it?.(loud or quiet?) Add an adverb here to add to the suspense - “suddenly” is quite a good one. Can you add some description to show how the boys are feeling without actually saying the boys were scared? Look back to Wednesday’s lesson (chapter 3) from last week and see how some things were inferred. Can you add some inferred meaning in your writing?
Make sure that your handwriting is really neat and clear and is joined up please. Think carefully about your spelling and remember to use punctuation.
When you have finished your chapter 2, read it through carefully to make sure that it makes sense.
Then read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 together.
Don’t forget to send us some photos of your writing so that we can read and share your Chapter 2.
Happy writing!!
I was so impressed with your coding children, I bet your grown ups were too as we didn’t do coding when we were at school. Have a look at lesson 2 of coding and see today’s challenges.