"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no-one ever come to you without leaving happier! Mother Teresa

Well done for all your hard work this week! Keep being kind to mum and dad always- try your best and be super independent. We have reached the holidays and it is time for a little break. Please keep up your reading (see note below) . Play on Sumdog- Daisy is taking the lead big style here. Blog your class on Purple Mash. On the Learning at Home page there are Easter activity ideas to help fill your days. Now watch the film celebrating our work!

I miss you all and wish I was still teaching you in class! When we return we will be studying a fantastic novel about a boy who sails the world- but he gets trapped too - a bit like us all! We will also be coding each day on Purple Mash that will be fun and the greatest joy of all FRACTION- YEAH Mrs H loves fractions!!

Prayers to every one this Easter

Take care love Mrs H XX