Home Learning - Monday 4th May 2020

A new week of learning and lots of new units of work to start. In English we will be starting Wonder (I am very excited). In maths, I will be starting to teach you again using White Rose materials that you are used to. In history, we will be starting a local history unit of work and in science, focusing our attention on the human life cycle.

I hope you enjoy my introductory video for the week…don’t worry I will appear. Enjoy listening to Space Oddity by David Bowie and hopefully you will see the link to our learning this week. You know what I am like, if we can launch learning in a fun and creative way - then let’s do it!

The first message that we will meet in this book is ‘Choose Kind.’ That is exactly what I would like you to do this week. What acts of kindness can you do for the people who are making sure that you are safe, or for your local community, can you make someone smile. The last half term is called ‘Service with a Smile.’ What can you do to bring a smile to the face of someone else this week? Let me know what acts of kindness you complete!

Maths - Converting Units Lesson 1

English - Wonder Lesson 1

History - Local History - Blackpool - a 2 day lesson. Monday and Tuesday

Today we will be starting our new unit of history work - local history - BLACKPOOL! Not only is Blackpool a seaside resort but it was one of the first and people came from all over to be entertained and to visit it’s famous tower. Today is an introductory lesson with 2 tasks: a brief note taking task and then to create a timeline of Blackpool’s history.