"The righteous man cares for the needs of his animals" Proverbs 12:10

We have reached the end of our fifth week of learning from home!! I know that is a long time. I have really enjoyed looking at all your pictures and spotting you on Sumdog- well done to Oliver and Jack- who have spent the most time on it this week. I’ve been busy creating the lessons for next week and I didn’t have enough time for coding, so I thought we could have a break as history appears next week- if that’s OK!

OK - now I have an important announcement to make on behalf of Jayden.


Now we are missing our formal RE lessons each week- but being a Christian is all about action and when you learn independently; try your best; love your family; show patience; perform acts of love- that is your faith in action! Now Jayden has worked out how many steps we would have to climb to get to the top of Mount Everest. Here is a picture of his workings out!

As you can see Jayden has worked out that he would have to go up 2950 flights!!! He decided that if 10 children did it together it would be 295 flights each. BUT if 30 children did it they would each need to do it 98 times (98 ups/flights). Jayden’s mum and dad are sponsoring him 10p for each flight up - for the local soup kitchen. He is looking for 29 volunteers to help him!! I’m in! We need 28 volunteers. Please email me if you can join in- and if your parents are able to sponsor you- that be great - no pressure. Send pictures and films of you climbing and we’ll post it on to the News Around the School! FAITH IN ACTION. Doing something for someone else in need!

Thank you Jayden!!

I’ve also posted here pictures of the week- so much fantastic learning. I have also posted two films created by Tess. They will make you smile and laugh. Who knew Tess had her own little orangutans at home!!!