Home Learning - Monday 8th June 2020

Good morning Year 6 and welcome to our final half term - SERVICE WITH A SMILE! Now more than ever, I am looking to you to ensure that your final term at Our Ladys is one that has service at the centre. If we were in school, you would be serving your school community and giving back for all of the love and support they have provided you for your primary school journey. I still want all of this to happen and you will have little tasks throughout this half term - keep your eyes peeled. House Captains and Sports Captains, it starts with you this week!

Evie and Adam, as Head Girl and Boy, there is something that I need you to do over the coming weeks for our new parents. I will email you and your parents this week to explain what I need from you.

Have a wonderful week everybody.

This is our learning timetable for the week. I realise that everyone works slightly differently and you like to see what is coming up over the week. I have attached my visual timetable for the week so you can plan better. Where there is a little camera, that means that I will be filming that lesson for you.

Timetable week 1 summer 2.PNG

English - Wonder Week 4 Lesson 1

Welcome back to Wonder. Some of you may have continued to read Wonder over the half term and that is absolutely fine. In this section of the book, August continues to get to grips with his new school and meets some new challenges along the way. The first lesson of each week is always reading the section of the book and answering the questions set. Remember to add depth to your writing and the answers that you are giving.

I have added a button with the answers to the questions. This is for you to check that you have included everything that you need to include in your answers. Use purple pen to edit any answers that you need to.

Maths - The area of a triangle recap and revision.

This is a revision and recap lesson from before half term. I have set you some Sumdog tasks that will help you go back over the work that we completed before we move on tomorrow.

Only 15 children completed the last Sumdog work that I set, please make sure you have a go at this today so that I can see where we are at before moving on! I will be sending some Sumdog reward coins this week that you will then be able to use on the site - try your best!

Health and Happiness week.

This week, I am stopping our history and science for a week and focusing on Health and Happiness Week. We will be looking closely at inspirational people and using examples from the current pandemic to see some real life heroes. Today we will be looking at Greta Thunberg (I can sense Evie’s excitement from here). She is someone, who is not too dissimilar to your age, but she is having a profound impact on our world. Be the change you want to see in the world.