'When given the choice between being right and being kind, choose kind!'


This week’s pupil led lesson comes from Mati who has given us some Polish to learn. You need to have a look at the slides and then use Google Translate to check your pronunciation. We really do have so much knowledge in our classroom, thank you all for sharing this with us. I am sure that Mati will help anybody who needs some help with their pronunciation. Just use our class blog to get in touch. Next week, Troy has sent me a quiz for us all to have a go at.

This week, I have seen such a WONDERful amount of home learning and it is clear that you are all really enjoying our book Wonder. I have made a little movie of all of the work that I have received this week - watch out for our documentary scientists at the beginning. They do a great job of bringing our learning about Life Cycles to life!

Next week we will be reading the next section of Wonder, continuing with Mrs Gregan’s maths lessons and completing a history unit of work on Blackpool Tower.

I asked the children to think about kindness missions this week. I have loved hearing what they have been up to! Well done to Baxter who has been helping his mum to thread scrub bags for the NHS. What a special thing to do!

Thank you all for your efforts this week. I know I say it every week, but I am so incredibly proud of our Year 6 community. From children to parents, to brothers and sisters to us teachers - what a team! We are all working together to try and maintain learning and stability for the children during these tricky times. At a time when the Year 6 children should be flourishing in their final term, I feel even prouder of them for what they are accomplishing right now.

This week should have been all about our final preparations for our assessment week, which should have been next week. I have absolutely no doubt that the children would be ready and excited to sit their tests next week. Although we know that this is not happening, I have a special challenge for the children that will be revealed next week. From the very beginning, I said that the assessments were just a snapshot of what and who the children are - we will be celebrating that next week! Parents, I will need you to help your child with a little task next week.

VE Day Celebrations


Tomorrow is a national bank holiday, so there will be no formal learning. I am sure that you have all got plans in place for how you will be celebrating the day with your family. If you need any other ideas, I have got some here for you.

Pick and choose and if you do any of them, do not forget to send me the photos of your celebrations.

I like the fact hunt around the house that you can do or make some morse code to crack!

I am planning on making some British scones with Alfie.

Enjoy your weekend with your family.

Mrs Gregan