Good morning Reception.
It’s Magnificent Monday. Can you think of some things that you have done that you could describe as being magnificent?
I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and that you are all ready for some more exciting learning.
Here are the learning activities for today. Have fun!!
Everyday activities:
1. Phonics:
Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:
2. Oxford Owl:
Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.
3. PE:
Please see this week’s set of new lessons and activities (click on week 10 for this week’s timetable)
Today’s specific activities:
1. English - Monsters
Listen and enjoy There’s a Monster in Your Book by Tom Fletcher:
Make sure you join in with blowing and making the loud noise to get the monster out of the book!
Discuss how you would feel if there was a monster in one of your books. How would you try and get it out? How would you feel? How do you think the monster felt when you were trying to tickle him or shake him out? Once the monster was out of the book, why do you think you needed to get him back into the book? How do you think he felt when he was allowed back into the book at the end? What do you think he might say at this point?
Can you draw the monster and write a sentence or two to show what he might say?
2. Maths: Zog - White Rose:
Please go onto the White Rose website and begin on Summer term Week 9 (22nd June) Lesson 1
Watch the short video/ presentation and have a go at the activities.
3. RE:
Today I would like you to think about Church.
Remember last week when you drew a picture of your Church? Then you thought about the things that are inside the Church. Today I would like you to think about a very special place in Church. It is the place where we keep Jesus. Have a look at the pictures:
Do you know what this place is called? It is called the Tabernacle. When Jesus is inside the Tabernacle there is a red light which glows to show that Jesus is there. Have you seen the Tabernacle and the red light in Church? Look on the photo of Our Lady’s Church and see if you can spot them. (You might need to zoom in!)
Can you draw a Tabernacle? Maybe you could put flaps on the paper before you draw your Tabernacle so that then you open the flaps (the door) you can see Jesus inside.
Write a sentence about the Tabernacle.
Remember to sound out carefully when you are writing.
I hope that you have a lovely day!
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Brisco
Don’t forget to send photos of your learning to me and I will share them at the end of the week.