Year 4 Home learning Tuesday 30th June


Today I would like you to watch the video below. After that, you have 2 tasks:

1. Create one Viking world - it could be a drawing, a collage, a painting or a mixture of all of them.

2. Write a create setting and character description of this world, using all the points I have asked you to include.


IXL today CC11 CC12 and CC13


Have a look at Mrs Curtis’s Art page to see what she wants you to do this week…


Today we will add the suffix ion or ssion to change verbs to nouns. Watch our spelling video then complete your Unit 13 sheets.

Optional extra!

Mrs Luty found this on the Natural History museum. It is a live session about volcanoes at 12.00 today! I think you can go to it and rewatch it if you miss it at 12.00. Have a look!