Welcome to Year 6 - Day 1 of induction week!

Good morning Year 5, welcome to your induction week where hopefully you will learn everything you need to know about your new teacher and what life is like in Year 6. It has been a very strange time but I have been watching your work closely and seeing what you have been getting up to at home. The amount of IXL you are completing is fantastic, it shows me how resilient you are as a class. I have also noticed just how creative you are, that really makes me smile…I love being creative.

You teacher next year will be me, Mrs Gregan, and working alongside us will be Mrs Webster who I know that you know very well. We will be a formidable team!

This week I will be setting you three different challenges each day that you can complete. We are going to start some of our english curriculum (I love writing and teaching writing), some maths lessons and lots and lots of leadership to think about. Next year you will be leading the school…what can you now do to get yourself ready?

I have created a blog on the Year 5 page where you can ask any questions that you have about Year 6. Some of the questions I may not be able to answer because we still aren’t 100% how school will be next year. I can tell you that Year 6 will be an exciting, challenging and fun year. If you love taking risks, working hard each day and pushing yourself to be the best that you can possibly be…then Year 6 is the place for you! I will make a note of all of your questions and then post a question and answer video on the website later on in the week. I will try to answer as many questions as I can.

Have a wonderful day of learning!


I have been watching you all grow up as you have come through the school but I really want to get to know you ready for next year. I have prepared a video all about me; my family, my likes and my hobbies. Some of my current pupils have got involved and shared their thoughts.

Once you have watched my video, I would like you to think about how you are going to tell me all about you. You could make your own film to send me; or a Powerpoint; or a poster…the choice is yours. Don’t forget that Purple Mash has lots of tools on there that you can use if you choose.

Email me to let me know what you have decided to do. My work email is n.gregan@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

English - Biographies and Autobiographies

Our first English unit in Year 6 will be biographies. It is a great unit as we get to look at some really fascinating people and then write our own biographies. I thought it would be something that would be fun to start now and really get our teeth into!

You will need your writing book to make notes as we go and then I have set you a task on Purple Mash to complete.

What kind of leader do you aspire to be?

Which leader do you want to be.PNG

Year 6 is all about leadership and being the change that you want to see in the world. This does not mean that you lead with power and authority, it means that we lead with humility and grace. There are so many wonderful leaders out there, is there anyone that has inspired you?

Mother Teres.jpg

Task 1: Think about the leader who has inspired you - it can be anyone. Write their name in a thought bubble and brainstorm all of the qualities that they have shown as a leader. Patience, humour, compassion etc. Which ones do you want to embody as a leader next year?

Task 2: Find a quote from your inspirational person (or if it is someone that you know personally, what do they say?) Find a quote that means something to you. It can strike a chord with you for many reasons. You can then either produce a piece of artwork on this quote or make a poster on the computer. I would love to display these quotes in class next year as a point of reference.