Year 3 Meet your teacher week! Monday 6th July Home learning

Dear Year 3 - it is meet your new teacher week. Watch my video below where I say hello!

Activity 1: Getting to know you.

Activity 2: Our learning skills - Concentration.

Activity 3: What we learn in Year 4-Science.

Our first Science topic after the Summer holidays is Plants. Mrs Lyons loves plants as you know!

I would like you today to find a flower or tree and do a detailed observational drawing of it. I hope the weather is nice so you can go outside to draw! If not, you could take a photo of the plant or find one on the internet. You can colour it too. If you want to draw more than one, that is fine too.

Now label all the parts of your plant. Send me pictures of your wonderful work at

Finally, there are lots of short Purple mash tasks all about plants in your 2dos. Complete these to begin learning about this exciting topic!

Extra activities today.

  1. Which IXL units have you not completed for Year 3? Pick one to do which interests you.

  2. Keep up with your reading. Make a commitment to read for 30 mins every day. I would love to know which book you are reading at the moment!

  3. 2type on Purple mash. It would be great if you could practise your typing each day to get nice and quick ready for Year 4! Start easy and get harder every day.