‘Dream big little ones.’
How is your reading coming along? Will you manage to meet your reading target before the end of the week? Isabella has met her target, well done!
Click below for today’s RE challenges.
Today I would like you to make a maths board game that you and your family can play over the holidays to keep that maths brain of yours ticking. Pick the area of maths you think you could improve on ( x + - or divide), make it fun and interactive. You could even throw some forfeits in! Here are some ideas.
Today we would like you to share your best memory of Year 3. Please go on Purple Mash and access the 2do called ‘My memory of Year 3’. Write about a funny or interesting thing that happened in Year 3 so that others can read about it. Draw a picture to go with your memory. Once you have saved it please share it to the display board called ‘Year 3 Memories’ by clicking on the share option of the drop down menu.