'A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.'

Hello Year 6, I hope that you have all had a wonderful summer with your families and that you are excited to be coming back into school in just a few weeks. I will be putting a video together next week that will explain more about the year but until then…this is all about house captain speeches!

a leader quote.PNG

In the end of year blog, I mentioned that house captain speeches need to be recorded over the Summer and emailed across to me. I am really excited to see what you can produce and I have already had some emailed over to me! They are wonderful.

All house captain speeches need to be with me by Monday 7th September, ready to send to the rest of the school and they can then begin the voting process. Staff are in the process of starting to think who they would vote for as head boy and head girl for 2020-2021. The children have to do a house captain speech to be considered as head boy/girl.


My favourite Year 6 quote is to ‘Feel the fear, and do it anyway!’

When creating your house captain speeches, think about:

  • Showcasing what is special about you.

  • Making it unique - how will you be different to everyone else?

  • Keep it appropriate - you are a role model and a leader, you really need to show that.

  • How will you serve your house this year?

  • Think about your audience. Children from Reception through to Year 6 will be watching these videos.

Once you have created your masterpieces, send them over to me:


I cannot wait to see them!