Welcome to nursery

Barbara, Clare, Colette, Sarah, Frances and Rowan are very busy this week making sure everything is ready for the children to start nursery on Tuesday. We are all excited about meeting everyone and are keen to start learning again.

It would be helpful if everyone had read the ‘information for September opening’ on the previous post before Tuesday to ensure that you are clear about the guidelines that have been put in place to keep everyone safe. I am sure you will understand that entry into nursery may be a little slower than in previous years, so please bear with us.

During the period of time that nursery has been closed our families kept in touch via emails. In September we will continue this process. Please email me using this address: b.draper@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk or telephone on our direct line 01253 739617. I will get back to as soon as I can.

Finally, as it will be difficult to share group learning with you we thought it would be nice for nursery to post photographs of the children each week on our web page. To enable me to do this I will need your written permission. If you could email me your consent that would be great!

It just remains for me to say, have a fabulous bank holiday weekend and I will see you on Tuesday.
