Year 6 Blog - "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."

Collaboration is key - especially in Year 6! This week we have collaborated and shared in every lesson - this has helped us to learn from each other. We have collaborated to understand number in maths, making decimal numbers and then partitioning them. We have collaborated in geography, making graphs on Purple Mash to show the rainfall in two places in South America. We have collaborated in english, collecting words that are a root word and a prefix or a root word and a suffix. We have also been sharing who we find inspirational through our biographies. I hope you like our display that we have created this week.


This whole notion of collaboration will stand us in good stead as we move forward as a class. On Monday, we will be presenting the children with their positions of responsibility, it is here that the real work starts and team work will need to shine through.

RHE Focus for this week

How often do we really say thank you for what we have? If anything, lockdown and the current pandemic has made us appreciate each other…just a little bit more. The children were asked to think about everything that they were grateful for and to celebrate it - they had to think of something for every letter of the alphabet! Next week we will be looking at resilience and starting our RE topic of the Kingdom of God.

Celebrating Learning

I could have celebrate every single child this week in class, they have made such a wonderful start to the year.

Annabelle - our enthusiastic learner

Annabelle has contributed in each and every lesson this year, fully engaging and offering answers. It is through these contributions that not only Annabelle learns, but we all learn. Thank you Annabelle.

Callum-Sean - our focused learner

Callum-Sean hangs on my every word and fully focuses in each lesson. I can always see when I mark Callum-Sean’s work that he has actively listened and his work is beautifully presented. Well done Callum-Sean.

High School Applications

I know some of you have already applied for high school already and some of you are yet to do it…do not panic. Your deadline is 31st October 2020. Below a link to the Lancashire application page where you can apply for which high school you would like your child to attend.

If you have applied to send your child to St Bedes, there will be an additional blue form that you will need to fill in that I will then collect back in from you. As soon as we receive these forms from St Bedes, I will send them out to you. If you have any questions at all about high school applications, please do not hesitate to email me.

Just a note about the children who are walking home…

There is quite a sizable group of children who now walk home each night so we will be splitting these into 2 groups. Group 1 will leave at 3.20pm and Group 2 will leave at 3.30pm. We will start this from Monday.

GROUP 1: Annabelle, Lila, Leo, Casey, Leila - leave at 3.20pm

GROUP 2: Archie, Francesca, Elizabeth, Sol, Isabella - leave at 3.30pm

Have a lovely weekend with your family. Fingers crossed for more sunshine.