Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 18th September 2020

The children’s home learning books have been sent home containing this week’s maths sheet.


Read for at least 10 minutes every day.

Some children will also have brought home word reading sets to practise this week which can be found in their home learning folder. These will be used in the same way as they were in Year 1 - when the children can read them fluently, they will move onto the next set. Therefore, please ensure that your child has their word set with them in school every day. Thank you.

If your child doesn’t bring home a set but you feel a little recap would help, please find the word list in the ‘how to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page.


Complete the place value sheet.


Here are this week’s spellings to learn.

the to he she we me be my

I have attached a ‘Spelling Support’ sheet on the ‘how to help your child’ section of the Year 2 page. This gives some practical and creative ideas for practising spellings each week.

(You may recognise these spellings. They are the words sent home by Miss Lane last year for word recognition on the little laminated cards).

IXL English

E.1 E.2 E.3 E.4

IXL Maths

A.6 A.7 A.8