Year 1 Home Learning 18.9.20

Maths IXL

As an ongoing learning challenge, I have tasked the children to have a go at Numbers and counting up to 10, on IXL. There are lots of questions for the children to have a go at. I am not expecting them to do all of these questions, I would love them to have a go at some of them within this section and enjoy challenging their brains.

Spellings on Purple Mash

Children have been set spellings with the ee diagraph, on Purple Mash. I will test the children on four of the words below, plus a bonus spelling from last week’s spellings!

see tree green meet week seek peek feet need seem

Read, read, read!

The children now have lots of reading materials to grow their brains. I am so impressed with the children’s reading progress so far. For those children who I have given speed sound flashcards to, there has already been a huge impact! Thank you so much for your support!

Passwords for Purple Mash and IXL, can be found in the back of your child’s Reading Log.