Year 6 Blog - 'Once you choose hope, anything is possible.'


A group of nervous children arrived in class on Monday morning, eager to hear what positions of responsibility they had been given. Although I kept them waiting until 2.30pm to hear, the children all day we celebratory and excited for each other, not just themselves. A huge sigh of relief filled the classroom as Miss Hornby (together with her mask) made her way into the classroom to deliver the news they had all been waiting for. It is always one of the most humbling experiences, watching this moment, as the children share in each other’s joy and celebrate each other. Myself and Miss Hornby sat down and counted all of the votes for the head boy and girl positions as well as the house captains. We read the letters of application and watched the house captain speeches again, wanting to put the children in the right position that would challenge them and maybe bring something different to the school. This year is different but it is a blank canvas - the children really can achieve anything. Mrs Webster has been busy this week taking the children’s pictures for the leadership board. I hope you enjoy the film of them just as much as we do.

One of the first jobs that the Year 6 class will have, is helping me to put together a video for next year’s Reception parents - I cannot wait to get started with them.

This week has been jam packed with learning in class, we really haven’t stopped. Today we have each planted an iris of hope as part of our RHE. Iris flowers are a symbol of hope and as we planted them outside the chapel, we all said things that we hoped for, personally, for our community and for our world. Why don’t you plant some iris bulbs at home. We cannot wait to see our hope grow - our world definitely needs it.

Our biography topic in English is really making progress. This week we have been learning all about Walt Disney and reading his biography. The children’s homework was exceptional on Walt, I was blown away by the care and detail that they put in. They have set their benchmark high! Please click on the link below to see their homework.

In Maths, we are combining our understanding of whole and decimal numbers with ordering and comparing them. There has been some wonderful work here this week! I have included a second button below this which will take you to the children’s RE work this week. We have been asking questions about the Kingdom of God and what it look likes. The children drew their visions of the kingdom - they are beautiful.

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to every single member of Year 6, they are really stepping up to the challenge of the year group and their work is brilliant!

We have chosen 3 certificates this week…a focused learner and two cooperative learners.

Dylan has made and excellent start to Year 6. He has set the standard of his work incredibly high. This week I have marked excellent geography, Re and homework from Dylan. Well done!

Gabriel and Chloe made an excellent partnership this week. They have supported each other throughout the week and challenged each other to think deeply! Well done both of you


  • Please make sure that you apply for high school through the Lancashire weblink below.

  • If St Bedes is one of your options, I will need the blue form returning to school together with a copy of your child’s baptismal certificate.

The children have made a great start and I have to remember that we are only 3 weeks in…the children can achieve so many wonderful things this year.

Have a wonderful weekend

God bless

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster