"The struggle ends when the gratitude begins" ND Walsh

We’ve had a wonderful week full of really interesting learning! We have nailed those Roman Numerals and in English we have continued to explore Legends. Interestingly, we began our class novel Antigone- what a story!!! The children were quite enthralled! We have also collected vocabulary and started reevaluating our handwriting and trying to make it as neat as we can. In RE we have explores scientific truths and religious truths and we have spent time together in council - praying, and listening to one another’s speeches for class councilor positions.

It is therefore my pleasure to announce that this year Isabella and Mark will be representing our class- well done to everyone who stood you were all brave and wonderful!

In RHE this week we prayed in a hopeful way and then explored gratitude. When we live a life full of blessings we truly feel the grace of God.


Certificates went to Megan and Mark and Faye won the dinnertime manners of the week! Well done!


Tissue - please send your children to school with a pack of tissues- thank you

Homework - homework needs to be completed each week. Some of the strategies I am using will be those I will use if we go into lockdown. It is really important to know that home learning is continuing, is valued and is done to the very best of our ability.

MEDICAL FORM - Please check your emails I sent an online medical form last week can you please ensure you have opened the email and completed it. Thank you.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs H xx