My family and me

A fabulous week at nursery full of fun and sunshine.

The children this week have been talking about their families at home. Everyone has drawn a group picture of all their family members. They have worked so hard! When we have displayed them I will post a picture for you all to look at and to see if you can spot your family! It would be lovely if you could send in or email a family photograph to accompany your child’s drawing. You can send it to: and I will pass it on to your child’s key person.

The children have also painted a self portrait. They looked very carefully at each of their facial features and then recreated their face using paint. We clearly have many budding artists. Once again I will post a photo when they have been displayed.

Next week we will be exploring how to stay healthy. This will include healthy foods, oral hygiene and exercise. We will look at the effects on our body and how important being physical is to our overall well being.

May I remind everyone to send in one piece of fruit or veg for each session your child attends. Please do not send in cheese or yoghurt as these will require refrigerating.

Also, not everyone has confirmed that they are willing for their child’s image to appear on our web page. It would be helpful if you could confirm either way.

Finally, I hope that the sunshine remains for the weekend and that you can all have some special family moments together.