Week ending 18th September
This week has seen glorious sunshine and a whole class of eager children too! Everybody has loved their English lessons this week as we learned all about the language of explanation. WE studied dandelion clocks and read poetry about them We then listened to the wonderful Sir David Attenborough explaining all about the seed dispersal of dandelions. We have learnt this off by heart so that the language of explanation is imprinted in our minds! See video below!
After this, we imagined what it would be like to be one of the seeds on a dandelion, journeying away from the mother plant. Children have written some beautiful recounts of this occurring.
We have dived into our maths this week to grasp an understanding of 4 digit numbers now we are in year 4. We are doing very well! We have also learned about the structure of the Bible in RE and children had a great quiz where they looked up bible references to find the animal named in the verse. We also began French lessons this week.
RHE focus
This week, we have looked at managing our angry feelings. We have had a good conversation about losing our tempers and which part of the brain takes over when this happens. We have learned that we need to get back into our ‘thinking brain’ in order to regain control from our ‘animal brain.’
We have also looked at the story of Concentrate Cooper Crab, which gives us strategies to help us focus and manage distractions around us like Cooper.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, I tried to stick to two certificates but ended up with three!
Jacob O received a Bobby Bee certificate for sheer enthusiasm and always being ready to learn.
Lena received a Tommy Turtle certificate for always having a go and being willing to risk making mistakes in order to learn
Amber received a Lizzie Ladybird certificate for striving to improve by always participating fully in lessons and listening so carefully.
Lena also met her reading target this week! Well done!
James received his pen licence too!
On Monday, children will be bringing home recorders to practise!
These need to be brought into school every Monday - (pop it on your planner!)
Please could you sterilise them each Sunday night in a little Milton and water before they come into school. There will be recorder homework each week on a site called Charanga (starting from next week)
I will be sending homework book homework this week.
Have a lovely weekend with your little flowers!
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather, Miss Edmondson and Miss Forster