Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd September 2020

Your weekly homework due in on Tuesday 8th September.

English: Next week we will be starting our biography unit of work in English. Can you find a biography about someone who inspires you and either email it across to me or print it off and bring it into school? We will be making a class book with all of the biographies that we have collected. Think about somebody who may be a good leader or who has done something inspirational with their life.

Maths: IXL Strand A4 - Don’t forget to go on Year 6

RE: Can you create a piece of artwork inspired by our mission statement You are Precious in my Eyes. Be creative and think about how you would illustrate it.

Class Council: On Monday 14th September, we will be holding class council voting in class. If you would like to run for Class Councillor. Please have your speeches ready for then.