Year 4 Homework to be handed in on Thursday 10th September

Homework will be set on Friday and handed in on Thursday. I will be sending the homework books home on alternate weeks and then setting the next week online to complete on Purple Mash or another digital platform.

This week I have sent their new homework book home and below are this weeks tasks:

  1. Homework book: Please back your homework book in a style that represents you. This can be with photos, wrapping paper, pictures of favourite films, sport, characters etc. Please make sure your name is clearly marked on the front.

  2. Maths: We have dived straight into maths this week There is a Roman Numerals sheet to complete and stick into your homework book. There is also an IXL unit to complete - A10. Don’t forget, when you get to the ‘challenge zone,’ the Roman numeral D = 500 and M =1000

  3. Timetable: Now you are in Year 4 its time to get organised! Print out this timetable or make your own. Plan out what you need to bring in each day and what uniform you need to wear (see Friday blog for correct PE days) You could schedule in your daily home reading time and your homework time too! Start how you mean to go on! Keep it on your wall or fridge and use it each day.

  4. Reading: You now have your new ZPD levels, reading targets and reading time which I have added in a little book for you. Reading is a joy! Make it your aim to become an avid reader this year. Travel to new worlds, meet new characters and be entertained!

    (Children in Year 4 can now middle interest level Blue books. If any questions or issues about this, please email me!

    Also, please could you write in your child’s homework book when they have completed things such as IXL and the timetable if not sticking it in)