‘Happiness is seeing the smile on a child’s face as they learn.’

I have been bursting with pride for the Year 1 children this week. We have had another wonderful week of growing our brains and the quality of the work has been amazing. My highlight of the week, was gathering jungle ideas, for our setting description. I was blown away by all of the creative ideas the children were sharing on wooclap. It reminded me that although we are not all together, we are still continuing to learn together and inspire one another from afar.

Thank you to those of you who have responded to my short survey (I have sent this to the parents of children who are learning remotely). Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will be taken on board. I understand how difficult it is, working and supporting your children from home, so please know how thankful I am to you all. I want to reassure you that the year 1 children are all very much learning together. The children in school, are completing exactly the same work as those at home and are mostly watching the videos I have prepared. When all of the children return to school, they will given all of the support they need and any gaps in their learning will be addressed. Please don’t worry.

Thank you to all of you who have been sending your children’s photos to Mrs Kaur. As always, please continue to email learning and questions, to myself and any general photos to Mrs Kaur. Children, I hope you enjoy looking at your class friends below. Look at all those happy faces!


Reading Stars

A big hip-hip-hooray to Logan and Toby, who have both met their reading targets on Accelerated Reader this week!

Star of the Day

Each day I pick a star of the day. The star of the day is someone who has been a role model throughout the day. As only one child is chosen each day, it is a huge achievement and the child should be super proud of themselves! This weeks stars have been: Tilly N, Charlotte, Louis, Elsa and Lily.


Remote Learner - Focused Cooper Crab: For concentrating on your learning and getting all of your learning done. Gus, I am so impressed with your focus this week. You have produced some fantastic learning and have grown your brain with a big smile on your face. Well done Gus!

Gus don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!

School Learner - Reflective Lizzie Ladybird: For reflecting on your writing and thinking wisely about how you could improve it. Hudson, you have been such a Lizzie Ladybird this week and have been using your ‘purple pencil of progress’, non-stop. It was wonderful to see you practising the maths skills you found challenging and continuing to practise your word sets. I am so proud of you Hudson!


  • From next week, we will be holding weekly Zoom catch ups. The first catch up will be Tuesday 26th January at 9.15, for around 20 minutes. This will be a wonderful opportunity for all of the children to say hello to each other; I know how much the children are all missing one another! I cannot wait to see all of the children. Opposite, is the guidance which you must read with your child before the Zoom. By attending the zoom call, you are confirming that you have read the guidance with your child. I will be sending out an email, with the details on Monday morning.

  • PE days are Wednesday and Friday.

  • During these difficult and challenging times, school wishes to support all families. Time away from work including school work is needed. Because of this we will not be setting homework during this time. Family time is precious, walking, eating, praying and playing together vital. Please continue to make reading a pleasurable pastime- a time to snuggle up together and go to other worlds!

God bless and take care,

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell