"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." Oscar Wilde

Well what a week! We have explored the dizzying height of St. Damien’s goodness and the cruel treatment of those accused of being witches! Mark discover too that he has an ancester that also worked and lived in a leper colony! WOW! Thank you children for making this a week full of meaningful learning! Mrs Harrison has had a lovely week in school and Miss Coupe is coming to join the school family full time from Monday. In Mrs Harrison’s own words:

“What a wonderful week we have had in class! The children have been great company, their learning has, once again, been focused and we have had many a laughs! Our highlight this week, was definitely our zoom meeting with all of our wonderful friends and teachers. We talked about how we felt afterwards and how this was bitter sweet, as we were so happy to see everyone all together but sad as we miss all the people that make up our Year 5 family- it is just not the same without you all to those of you at home!  

We have really enjoyed pulling apart The Highwayman poem in class this week, looking at all its beautiful imagery and of course keeping up with our grammar skills at the same time. Maths has been an exciting challenge this week, those that know their table facts have approached this area with ease but unfortunately there are still a small amount of children that need to keep practising their multiplications! The children have been inspired by St Damien in our RE this week and how his actions of love mirrored those of Jesus, which provoked many conversations as to how we too can show our love for others.”

I must agree as the zoom meeting was very special- we had to sing happy birthday twice!!! One birthday we missed - the lovely Olivia and one to come on Tuesday the gorgeous Faye!!! Next week we will meet again, Bella and Mark will lead the zoom and we will set a short agenda which I will sent out to everyone along with the invite - that way you can be ready share your thoughts.



So much learning and so much progress - growing are brains at Our Lady’s is just what we all do - this week we have a special mention for:

School learner: Georgia - Mrs Harrison wanted to say: “This week in school Georgia Hirst was awarded the class certificate for being such a reflective learner, for always wanting feedback, seeing this as a learning opportunity and keen to move her own learning forwards. Well done Georgia.”

Remote learner: Harry - Mrs Hotchkiss wants to say well done all round. It is clear that you are thriving and working so diligently though each task - wonderful! You are a true Kuba Crab!


If your child is at school - and they haven’t already brought in headphones to use in class could they do so if possible.

When you have a moment check out the Year 5 “How to help your child” button. I am in the process of redesigning. Here you will find the key links to Acelerated reader and more. I hope you find it useful!

Please email me with any concerns at anytime I am here to help.

God Bless Mrs H xx