"Gratitude is the most beautiful way to express all that's in your heart with two words - thank you"

What a great week of learning we have had in Year 2! I have been so impressed by your Purple Mash skills this week and how confident you are becoming at handing in your work. I know that many of you have had to be ‘Don’t Give Up’ Sadie Spiders when technology might not have worked just quite how we would have liked, but you have all stuck with it and had a go! I can’t wait until we are back in school all together when we can use our new computer skills to showcase our super learning.

I know that you are all really enjoying our focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ and are loving the adventures of Plop. Hopefully next week we will have read the whole story and we can become those Creative Kiki Chameleons by planning our own chapters.

Multiplication has continued to challenge our brains in maths this week, but again, the class has been filled with buzzing Bobby Bees. I am very excited to see TT Rockstars in action and how it will help to grow our brains even more. Hopefully the whole of Year 2 will be international Rockstars by the end of the year - watch this space!

Your ‘If I Were a Butterfly’ verses were beautiful in RE this week. We had so many thank yous for such a range of things, from animals to the NHS. Here’s a couple from here in school.

Finally, here are your learning photographs from this week. We’re definitely missing the faces of those children learning from home, so we love looking through all of your photographs together. We hope you do at home too. You may notice that I have popped in some photographs of the beans growing in class too.

Let’s Celebrate

Erin, I am so proud of you this week.  It can be incredibly challenging learning from home everyday, but you have shown just what can be achieved when you keep going and don’t give up.  Even when you have felt like giving up, you have taken a break, come back to the work with fresh eyes and have been so proud of your own achievements afterwards.  Well done Erin – you truly are a Sadie Spider! 

Don’t worry Erin, your certificate is ready for you to collect when we come back to school. However, check your emails - I’ve sent a copy there too.

Faye, both your work in and out of school has been fantastic this week.  The learning certainly hasn’t been easy, but you have listened really carefully to the teaching and have asked questions when you haven’t quite understood something.  Your focus has been tremendous in every lesson and we couldn’t ask you to work any harder than you are – well done!  


Class Zoom call - Each week I will be setting up a Zoom call so that we can all come together as a whole class team and share how we have been getting on. The call will take place each week at 2:15pm on Thursdays. I will email the meeting information across to you each week, so please do check your emails. If you haven’t received any information by Wednesday evening, please let me know. Below I have attached the Zoom call agreement. This must be read through thoroughly. Your acceptance of the call will be your confirmation of reading the agreement. Thank you - I can’t wait to see you all!

For those in school, PE will still take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that you are wrapped up warm every day, even on non PE days, as the classroom can get very cold with the doors open.

Have a peaceful and restful weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team