One kind word can change someone’s day.

Children, this week has whizzed by! You have all continued to wow me with your enthusiasm for learning and determination to grow your brains. We couldn’t have had a better start to this half-term. Although, I am aware that some of the children have found this week challenging. Please take each day as it comes; wellbeing is the most important thing. If your child is struggling to focus and engage with the learning, I understand and it’s okay. This half term we are embracing the virtues of love and compassion. Let’s encourage the children to be compassionate and loving to themselves over the next week.

Children, to say that I am looking forward to seeing you all again is an understatement. I am delighted that I get to see you all in just over a week. Our new outdoor classroom is coming along beautifully and will be ready for us to use when we are together again. We will have a grand opening on the first day back to celebrate all being together again.

This week has been full of excitement with our special English challenge from Debi Gliori! I can’t wait to read your fact files on Monday. Your story sentences were brilliant and so creative.

In Maths, we have been counting and representing numbers within 50. The best way to grow in confidence with these new numbers is to use physical objects. Well done to those of you who have been creative and have used pasta etc.!

In RE, we have been thinking about our Lenten Promises. The children’s promises have been so thoughtful. With many of the children praying for our NHS and families who have suffered loss this past year. Remember to keep looking at your Lenten Promise and taking quiet time each day to say your special prayers.

Lent is a time to pray...who might need your prayers at this time?

Lent is a time to fast...what can you give up?

Lent is a time to give...who can you give your love and time to?



Focused Cooper Crab: For being a super focused learner. Sean you have blown me away this week with your amazing concentration. Your English work has been exceptional and it’s all down to your brilliant focus. You don’t let anything distract you from growing your brain! Hip-hip hooray Sean!

Resilient Sadie Spider: For being a determined learner. Rose, I have been so impressed with all of your work this week. It has made me so happy to see that you have been using a purple pencil to check your work and edit your mistakes. You know that making mistakes and learning from them is the best way to grow your brain. I am so proud of you Rose!

Rose don’t worry if you can’t print your certificate out. I have put a copy of your certificate in your tray for you. We also did a big clap in class for you!

Star of the Day

This weeks stars have been Finley, Daisy, Sean, Teddy and William. Well done all of you!


  • We will have a whole class Zoom Party on Tuesday 2nd March and I will send the invites out on Monday.

  • World Book Day is Thursday 4th March. We will be doing lots of exciting activities on this day, but will not be dressing up this year.

God bless and I hope this glorious sunshine shines on you all weekend.

Miss Lane, Mrs Kaur, Mrs Malley, Mrs Carter and Miss Liddell