This week...

A week of experiments and investigation. Our first experiment was to place white flowers in different coloured water to examine what would happen and why? The children were amazed to see that each flower took on the colour of the liquid we put it in. Wow, how did that happen?

We had a big discussion and then watched a video about the structure of flowers and how they ‘drink’. Everyday we watched the flowers change colour, except for the one that remained in plain water.Perhaps you could have a go at home?

Click on the button below to see everything that we have been doing in nursery this week!

You will probably understand why the children are exhausted by the end of the day.

We then decided to plant some broad beans to find out about germination and the life cycle of a plant. Click here to find out more.

So we could examine the root system more carefully we planted one bean on a clear pot…it’s not germinated yet!

Everyone planted their own bean and when they are strong enough we are going to put them in the garden. If they grow really tall and strong maybe we could climb up and visit the giant!

We found out that it takes time for a seed to germinate and we were eager to see shoots from our seeds so we thought we would plant some cress seeds, as they germinate in a week. Watch out for them coming home. You will be able to make egg and cress sandwiches for tea!

Also, look out for this half terms home link challenge. We will be sending a sunflower seed home for you to nurture at home and then bring back to nursery in the summer term. We are hopeful we can fill our garden with sunflowers, so no pressure! Click here to watch what plants need to grow. I am sure the children will be able to tell you what to do.

We have noticed the sunny weather has made all our daffodils and crocus bloom this week. We thought it would be a good idea to examine them closely and then paint a picture of what we could see. They look wonderful!

We have trying to learn all the parts of a plant. Click here to watch the short video that has been helping us to remember.

On Friday the sunshine was fabulous and we thoroughly enjoyed playing in the garden without our coats, hats and scarves! Bliss!

We started to prepare the garden to plant our meadow on Monday and then we worked a s team to get our water pump working. It took a while but we did it in the end. We spent most of the afternoon pumping the water and making bubbles! It was great fun and very messy.

Later in the day we cleaned the outdoor house and den. We found loads of spiders and slugs, yuk! We (Clare) carefully lifted them all out and placed them on a tray to watch what they did, everyone was fascinated (except for Barbara)!

Here’s a sneaky peak at what we will be up to next week.

Lastly, I have pinned some new learning on Purple Mash if you fancy taking a look. Although, if the sun is shining I would recommend that you take full advantage of it! Who knows how long it will last.

Have the most lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday for another fabulous week of fun and learning.
