"And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for Keep on seeking, and you will find." Luke 11 9-10

Year 5 have had a lovely week of learning, they have worked hard, risen to the challenges of grammar and have loved starting their new class novel!. Already we can’t wait to explore the island and see what mysterious things lie there! Children have shown real resilience when it comes to their maths and are now mastering their column multiplication. We have enjoyed time spent together on zoom (praying, colouring club and the class council)- some of us have even spotted the first signs of spring in our environmental garden, some beautiful crocus’! Let’s hope for some nice, warmer weather - then we can all get out into the sunshine!

Mrs Nel has been delighted with all the science that came flying in this week! Not as fast as the speed of light - but you can’t expect that!! Miss Coupe is really enjoying all her teaching experiences and was delighted with the database we collaborated on this week - great work everyone.

One of the highlights of the week was listening to the story of Pier Georgio an inspirational young man - with a deeper understanding of his love and generosity we move onto our second ten kindness challenges for LENT. Our wonderful Mark (class councilor) has produced a second film with ten more acts of kindness for us to perform over the next 10 days - Thank you Mark


Miss Coupe would like to give a special mention to Daniel this week who has worked so resiliently and creatively! Mrs Hotchkiss would like to give a little shout out to Mark who has really embraced being a scientist this week! Oh and as promised I received some action shots of PE from home!


Of course we are all back at school in a weeks time Monday 8th March. It is incredibly important to read Miss Hornby’s newsletter that explains in detail how we will be returning.

Sdaly. Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Nel will not be able to return to class in the flesh until 31st March. We are however very present in a virtual sense! Miss Coupe will be completing 10 more days in class and Miss Harrison, Miss Bassett and Mrs Russell will be with the children as they come together again

Finally in council I promised the children I would teach them how to send an email to more that one person so I have made this little short film for them

God Bless Mrs Hotchkiss and the whole team