Take sometime time to relax and just be..........

Come wind, rain or shine, the children have taken full advantage of their lunchtime breaks to imagine, play or just to be. With the children working so hard with their learning, it is so important that they have that precious time to relax. I hope that both children and adults at home, are making time to do just that too. With all your fabulous home learning, you all need and deserve to take those breaks, have a rest and go into your gardens and have some fun!

The playground has been the scene for Jedi Knights battling the Imperial army, little Ninja’s saving the day, unicorns dancing and grazing in the pasture and an array of shops opening up selling their wares.

Kick rounders, football, cricket and cups and saucers have been on the agenda for Mr Nays activities this week. Just the ticket to have a good run around and keep warm1 Mr Nay would love to know what sporting activities you are getting up to so please do send in those photos!

Foundation and Keystage 1.

Table of the Week: Year 2

Role Model of the Week: Millie Year 2

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Teddy Year 1

Keystage 2.

Table of the Week: Year 4

Role Model of the Week: Megan Year 5

Jacqui’s Marvelous Manners: Ruby-Lily Year 3

Well done and thank you children. The lunchtime team has had nothing but praise for each and every one of you and are finding it incredibly hard to choose!

Don’t forget we would love to share and playful moments! Email any photos to s.mather@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Have a wonderful weekend

God Bless

The Lunchtime Team