Imagination can take you anywhere!

The week seems to have flown by so quickly. We are so proud of every single child in Reception, they are showing some amazing skills and qualities.


Thank you for all your hard work, patience and kindness as usual this week.

We have had a busy week of learning and growing our brains.

We have enjoyed continuing on our space exploration this week. We thought about what we might see on a journey to space and thought of some exciting words to describe what we saw. Story telling has been the highlight, your ideas have been so creative. Thanks to you, Miss Lavelle has lots of ideas of ways to get back from the moon with a broken rocket. Aliens, jet packs, a hot air balloon, a visit to a space shop for a new rocket and Miss Lavelle’s favourite…ring mummy for some help!

In RWI this week we have learnt five new sounds, igh, ow, oo, oo, ar. (Please see ‘Important Notices’ section below). In Maths we have been learning about number 6, 7 and 8. We have concentrated on how to make the whole number using two parts. We even used created our own pairs game with different representations on the number 6, 7 and 8!  

numberblocks 6 7 8.png

 Let’s Celebrate

Fletcher is a Cooperative Rodger Robin - For trying hard to be cooperative this week when playing with your friends. We have been impressed to see you sharing and helping children who have fallen over at play time. Well done Fletcher!

Anna is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being so enthusiastic and working hard with all our learning challenges this week. We have loved seeing all your pictures and videos of your learning at home. Well done Anna!

Important Notices

PHONICS - We wouldn’t usually learn five sounds in a week but we are keeping up with the RWI YouTube videos. There will be plenty of time to recap and embed these new sounds in week 6 and after half term, by the 5th February we will have seen all the videos for the set 2 sounds. The loop of videos then starts again. Next week I will be providing more specific phonics work for certain groups, please don’t worry!

ZOOM - Whole class zoom calls next week will take place on Monday (1st) and Wednesday (3rd) both at 11am, please see your emails for info.

Have a relaxing weekend!

The Reception Team

The pictures below celebrate learning and fun from home and school this week.