This week....

Firstly, a huge well done to everyone who completed the Purple Mash challenge this week. I loved seeing your mixed up animals; it gave me an idea! This week I have set you another painting challenge’ I would like you to listen to the story here and then create your own ‘Call me Gorgeous’ animal. Think about what kind of animal it could be, what it eats and where it lives. You can record your answers (maybe mummy, daddy or older bother or sister could help you). I can’t wait to hear from you all.

This week we have continued finding out about wild animals. The children found it confusing that they could go to the zoo to see wild animals and that they didn’t all live in their natural habitats. That led us to discuss conservation and endangered animals.

We have continued our exploration of number four by making an ice cream maths game. It’s really easy to make. Maybe you could make one at home home, watch out for the game to make in your book bags.

The children have spent a great deal of the week going on shape hunts. Shapes are everywhere click here to listen to the shape song and then you can go on a shape hunt at home too! Well done to anyone who finds a dodecagon! Click here for a shape sorting game.

If you enjoyed the Letters and Sounds animal noise game click here for another game. Ask mummy or daddy to click on a sound without looking at the picture, can you guess what it is? If you want to play a mystery sounds listening game click here.

We have been practicing our letter sounds and we are getting very good at recognising and saying the sounds correctly. Click here to listen to ‘here it and say’ it monster songs. Click on any of the sounds to listen to a phonic song. Happy listening!

We have found some great stories with animals in them but I think our favourite this week has been ‘The Runaway Chapati’. I promised the children that I would put it on our webpage so that you can enjoy reading it at home. In fact I bet the children could tell the story on their own!

We also read ‘Dear Zoo’, lots and lots!

Once again it has been VERY busy at nursery. We are learning so much! Try and have good rest this weekend because we have lots more exciting activities to grow our brains next week. We will be exploring farm and woodland animals. We have already started having a sneaky look at baby animal names. Watch out for more over the next couple of weeks.

Here are a few photos of everything else we’ve been up to this week! Enjoy.

I’m not sure what the weather forecast is for the weekend but I do hope you manage to get some fresh air, if only in the garden. After such a soggy week I’m sure we should be due some dry, sunny days. Whatever you decide to do, enjoy each others company and stay safe. We will see you all on Monday.
