"Every time you look at a flower for that moment the world is that one flower"

Hello to both our school children and our remote learners!!! What a week!!! Even though we are in lockdown I haven’t held back with the learning and you have all risen to the challenge! It is a pleasure to help and to celebrate the learning taking part all over St. Annes!

Mrs Harrison and Miss Coupe have had a lovely week in school. Miss Coupe now takes over from Mrs Harrison on Friday extending her placement experience. She is also working on some online lessons so you may see her staring on our remote learning blog soon! It was wonderful to see everyone at the zoom council today, although my error with the time on the invite was such a shame!!! I always feel very sad when I make a mistake and children miss out it is an occupational hazard. I then over ran and the meeting was cut dead!!! I am going to become good at this - when I fail I always remember the saying : FAIL = First Attempt In Learning! I think inviting our pets to the meeting was a stroke of genius and if you would like them to accompany you again please feel free. Please remember too the shared blog on Purple Mash here you can share thoughts, news and ideas you would like to share at council.

Thank you too to all the mums and dads, as a mum myself with two boys studying at home, I know the juggling act you are refining! I just wish my two boys ate less!!!

Finally in September, we took some iris bulbs (the flower of hope) and during a worship, on hope, we planted them. We have carefully looked after one another and our pot of soil over the term and this week they began to bloom, this may this is a sign of better times to come.

Mrs H xxx



So much learning and so much progress - growing are brains at Our Lady’s is just what we all do - this week we have a special mention for:

School learner: Miss Coupe informs me that the wonderful Emma has received the certificate in class. Well done Emma - keep that brain growing!!

Remote learner: It is sooo tricky to pick a remote learner but this week it has to go to Bella. I have received so much wonderful carefully thought-out work plus some very entertaining emails!


Please keep an eye on your emails from school, many important messages coming this way.

PE will be moving to Wednesday and Thursday for those children in school. This is to allow Mrs Harrison to support Miss Coupe when she delivers the lesson.

On Monday there will be a series of zoom sessions. Small groups of children coming together to talk about their book choices. Keep an eye out for your invite (sent on your 2email account children)

Please email me with any concerns at anytime I am here to help.

God Bless Mrs H xx