"Every child is a different kind of flower. All together they make this world a beautiful garden."

Well, I think this week has been the best one of remote learning YET! The enthusiasm oozing from both home and school is amazing and the work produced is brilliant. We’ve fully got our teeth stuck into TT Rockstars now, and my, what fun it is! If you haven’t yet managed to get yourself logged on at home, please do. Already, just after one week, the children are so much more confident on some of their tables and are keen to learn more.

We all reached the end of our focus story ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid of the Dark’ which I know we all really enjoyed. I’ve even had many parents emailing saying what a lovely story it is, so I’m glad many of you have been able to enjoy it as a family too. We’re now ready to become those Creative Kiki Chameleons and start planning and writing our own chapter … I wonder what Plop will be scared of this time?

Your science and RE work has continued to be fantastic this week, and I can really see that confidence growing on Purple Mash. You were all able to create an interesting story board retelling the story of the 10 lepers and Mrs Connolly and I have really enjoyed reading them. I also loved seeing your Super Squads in RHE. Aren’t we lucky to have such tremendous family and friends!

On last week’s blog, I posted some photographs of the beans that have been growing in class. Some of them were beginning to grow too big for their bag, so we decided to take them out for planting. The children in school took these home to be planted. However, please don’t worry if you’re learning from home! As you can see from the photographs below, Mrs Connolly has been very busy and has planted your beans in soil for you. We’ll look after them the best we can and you can then take them home when you come back to school.

Here are the photographs of your wonderful learning from this week. It has been great to see so many of you taking enjoyable brain breaks this week, from trampolining to bracelet making. You also went out in the outdoors in search of the microhabitats! What a busy week it’s been!

Let’s Celebrate

Jacob, I can’t quite believe just how much you have grown in confidence!  You are such an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee in every lesson.  You put your hand up to share your ideas and enjoy a good giggle throughout the lessons.  Your brain is growing and growing, and that’s down to your super focus and hard work.  Keep it up Jacob!

Well done Riley – I can see by your photographs that you are working really hard and are being such a Focused Cooper Crab at home.  I was so proud when I received your independent English this week.  You must have listened really carefully to the lesson and understood exactly what you had to do.  Keep up this super focus Riley – you’re going to fly when you return to school!


It was lovely to see your smiley faces on Zoom on Tuesday afternoon. Thank you for bearing with me whilst I sorted sound etc. The children will be experts in muting and unmuting themselves next week! We will have another catch up at the same time of 2:15pm on Thursday 4th February. Invitations to the meeting should be received by Wednesday evening. Please email me if you don’t receive the details.

Have a restful and joyful weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team