Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 5th January 2021

As we are at home for a day, I thought I would set up your homework for you to crack on with at home.

Science - This week you have looked at Mary Anning with Mrs Webster. Can you complete the fact file on her that has been set for you on Purple Mash. Think about what you found out about her and what extra information you can include from your own further research. Remember sentence openers and how you are going to present the information.

Fossils - Mrs Webster started your discussion on fossils yesterday. What else can you discover about them? Complete your own research and complete the fossil factfile on Purple Mash.

Maths - IXL F strand. There are a fair few decimal strands that we haven't completed this year that would stand you in good stead for our fraction work - either in school or online. Tick away at these today.

Times Table Rockstars - where can you get to?

RE - Complete the work on the Seder Plate that you started in class on Monday.

READ READ READ READ READ! Can you complete one of the book reviews based on a book that you have read over Christmas? Remember that I would like 2 completed before half term, you can get a good start on one today. Remember to follow the prompts that have been provided for you.