I hope you have had a lovely weekend. I am trying now to put as much work as I can on purple mash for you - this enables me to mark it and give you feedback on what you have done. For instance, your daily independent maths sheet will now be on there.
Try hard to do each activity on the day it is set if you can so you don’t get behind.
If you need help in how to fill in sheets in purple mash, I have put a short help video in the Year 4 help section. Basically, you can use the pen tool to fill in or create a text box.
Today we are multiplying numbers by 0 and 1 but we are also learning some VERY important maths vocabulary too - factor and product. Watch the video below, completing the guided sheet step by step with me. Then do the independent sheet (which has been set as a 2do on Purple Mash )afterwards.
Today we will start learn the art of persuasion! Follow my instructions in the video. You will need the persuasive mat and task below. Please complete your sentences using the 2do in purple mash.
This week, you will be learning words which end in sion said as zhun. Watch my video below nad complete the sheets. There is also a 2do purple mash spelling to revise this.
There are also your 12 spellings below to practise. Your parents can give you a test at the end of the week - as we would do in class!
Year 1 and 2 words (do in speed spell section on sheet) Floor, poor door sure one once
Year 3 and 4 (jumping orange) words special believe thought enough probably important
Reading - don’t forget to read for half an hour today.
PE - Here is Mr Nay’s PE challenge for the week. Why not try and get better with your time each day? I would love to see pictures of you doing this!
Mrs. Maddocks is doing your recorder lesson online. She has recorded a video of herself teaching and has added it to your Charanga. At some point this week (it does not have to be today) log in to Charanga and access the online lesson. Join in and take photos so we can see you are carrying on with your recorder lessons. Mrs Lyons has all your Charanga log ins if you have forgotten it. Don’t hesitate to ask