‘A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be!’

It has been a fantastic week of full days in Reception, I think there will be some very tired children and teachers this weekend! We have been getting used to our routines, tried PE in the hall and on the field and met Mrs Curtis our Art teacher who joins us on a Tuesday.

We are really working on showing patience towards others and explaining our feelings it has been lovely to see friendships growing. Reading the Colour Monster story has sparked lots of conversations about times we have felt, sad, happy, worried, calm, angry or loved. This week we also used iPads to scan QR codes to listen to stories and play games, it was great fun! It was lovely to see the children explaining what to do on different games to their friends.

On Friday morning we joined Year One, Year Two and Year Six in the hall for assembly, the children sat beautifully and listened to Miss Hornby. She told us how important it is to follow the example of Jesus, by using kind hands and kind words. Next week we will be talking about kindness in our class worships and being kindness detectives in our classroom!

Please enjoy the selection of pictures below, click on the right to move to the next picture.

Important Notices

PE days - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, please come to school in PE kits.

Labels in clothes - Please label everything that comes to school, it makes it much easier and quicker to reunite clothing with the right owner.

End of the day - We are training the children up to walk to you at the end of the day, please stay in the parent line and they will meet you. It is also important to encourage walking feet as the children from other classes are all crossing paths.

Reading books - On Monday all the children will be sent home with a reading folder inside there bag. It is important they bring this in their bag everyday.

Have a peaceful weekend,

The Reception Team