Year 3 Home Learning 1.10.21


This week we are looking at the spelling focus: the ‘kn’ and ‘gn’ spelling for the sound ‘n’.

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. knock

  2. knight

  3. knees

  4. know

  5. knew

  6. kneel

  7. knuckle

  8. knife

Can you spot any homophones? Write both these words and their meanings in your homework books.


We have been thinking about angles, and this week we have looked at right angles. Please find your to do on purple mash called, ‘Professor angle - right angles’.

Please also complete Z.1 on IXL (remember to go into Year 3 work)


To prepare us for our learning next week we would like you to think about our church. In your homework books you will find a picture of Our Lady’s church, please think about:

How do you behave in church? Why do you go to church? How does it feel being in church?

Around the picture please write your thoughts to these questions.