Year 3 Home Learning 8.10.21


This week we are looking at adding the suffix ‘ed’ to the end of words.

“Swap the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ before adding ‘ed’”

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. try - tried

  2. reply - replied

  3. copy - copied

  4. study - studied

  5. hurry - hurried

  6. fry - fried

  7. scurry - scurried

  8. multiply - multiplied

Please also remember to practise this half terms spellings. You will find these in the front of your homework book.


Please complete Z.2 - Selecting the shape_


This week we have looked at the first sacrament we make as Christians, Baptism. I would really like it if the children could; bring in a photograph, write a special memory or draw a picture of their baptisms to share with the class on THURSDAY.


This week we have started to look at teeth. We have learnt that we have 4 different types of teeth: Incisors, canines, premolars and molars.

On purple mash I have set you a To do, please add the 4 different types of teeth that we have looked at (leave the last two boxes blank) and write the function of that type of tooth. A few of you may have already completed this as remote learning, for you this is optional, although, if you would like to complete it again, this time focusing on just the focus of the 4 types of teeth listed above, you will find the ‘to do’ set.

Optional History:

Some of you were interested in having a go at the hunter gatherer’s diary we discussed in our lessons. If you would like to have a go, please do and I will have a look at it, and maybe even share some of them in class. If you are interested, then a 2Do has been set up for you on Purple Mash, if not, then please ignore the 2do!