"lest we forget"

It has been a fast week this week- I heard a few children say they couldn’t believe it was council already today!

Mrs Nel and Miss Bassett took over the class on Tuesday and Wednesday and a great deal of work was covered. We are finishing topics at the moment- we are reflecting on the Greek legacy and poor Antigone came to a sticky end. We are playing with decimal addition and subtraction (mental strategies) and in computing the coding continues. Rugby is nearly at an end now and next week we will play in houses (in house tournament). In RE we spent time exploring remembrance and reflecting on how British soldiers from all over the British Empire fought and died. This led to us asking the question what was the British Empire? The children were fascinated as we explored the history further. We are beginning to understand why we live in a wonderfully diverse country. Mrs Curtis had a great art lesson and Mrs Mallinson and Mrs Hotchkiss completed some team teaching on the history of rap in music. Finally, on Friday durng HRSE we looked at peer pressure - something that provoked a lot of thought. A great week!

Awards this week

The grow your brain certificates this week went to: Max and Jessica

Our compassionate certificate went to: Evie


Have a lovely restful weekend - The whole Year 5 team