Such a busy week!

Phew, this week has been really busy! We are all so tired!

We started the week by finding out why all the nursery ladies were wearing poppies. We watched a beautiful and evocative animation that sees war as experienced by animals in a WWI battlefield. We all found it very moving. This inspired us to look closely at the poppy flower and to paint our own version. The children created the most beautiful poppy pictures. Look out for them in your child’s book bag! If you would like to watch the video click here.

We have started to explore the number three. We watched the number 3 Numberblocks and then investigated our number 3 sack. Click here to watch Numberblocks. See if you can find three objects at home….Can you tell something that is the same about your objects? Can you tell something different about your objects?

Everyone has been practicing our m, a, s, d and t sounds. We have explored our sound bags and founds lots of resources in nursery starting with the corresponding sounds. Have you watched Geraldine the Giraffe yet?

Click here for m

Click here for a

Click here for s

Click here for d

Click here for t

Why don’t you see if you can find objects at home beginning with these sounds. Have fun!

On Thursday we had a BIG mixing colour day….it was FABULOUS! We his the paint under huge blobs of shaving foam then we started the magic mixing. First we mixed with our finger, then two fingers three fingers and then our whole hand!!! We found out that by mixing two or more colours together that we could make a new colour!!

Also on Thursday we made an orchestra. We got all the instruments out and played and sang. It’s the Albert Hall for us next!!


This week we are thanking God for his wonderful gift of animal life!

Together we made a list of how many animals we could name. The children real impressed the nurseries because they named 85 different animals, with only the minimum support from the nursery ladies!  How blessed are we to live in a world so full of interesting animals. You may want to make your own list at home as a family, I think you will be surprised just how many different animals you can count.

A group of friends drew animals to place into ‘Our friend Jesus book’, another group made a spectacular animal home for the small world animals in nursery and others drew animals outside with chalk.
Together we all thanked God for his gift of animals.

We watched a couple videos all about animals. Afterwards we named as many animals that we could think of… we named forty animals!!!!

Click here to watch the animal video. We also enjoyed the camouflage animal video. We have learnt a new word too! Click here

And now for you favourite part of the blog….the photos. We hope you enjoy them.

I’m sure you will agree, it’s been a very busy week in nursery! Try and have a good rest this weekend because next week we are starting to organise the Nativity!

Barbara, Clare, Colette and Hannah