"If one has faith, one has everything"

We’ve had another wonderful week here in Year 2! In English, the children have continued to really enjoy our Traditional Tale unit as we have delved even deeper into the fairytales that we all know and love. The children have been really busy unpicking the different features within traditional tales and have created a toolkit for what a good fairytale should include. From magic to talking animals and repeated phrases to noun phrases, the children just couldn’t believe all of the similarities in the stories they have read. They are very excited to move onto our next unit of learning - traditional tales with a twist! Being the creative learners that they are, are know the children are going to love it!

In maths we have been continuing to develop our addition and subtraction skills. We are moving slowly through the different learning steps so that each child has a really good understanding before we move onto the more tricky and challenging concepts in the next couple of weeks. This week, we have continued to use our knowledge of number bonds and facts to help us to solve addition and subtractions efficiently. The children are now all really confident when using a range of concrete apparatus to help them to solve calculations. Well done Year 2!

In PE, the children created their final gymnastic sequences using the floor, mats and apparatus. They combined their favourite and most developed jump, roll, travel and balance to create a sequence that could be adapted and performed in a range of different ways. They also worked as Co-operative Roger Robins to teach their sequences to each other. The children were so proud when they saw someone else performing their routine.

Yesterday in HRSE we started our new Kidsafe lessons and the children were introduced to our new friend KS. KS is a little puppet who encourages the children to talk about their thoughts and feelings and share their ideas. He also sometimes needs a little bit of help when making choices. This week our Kidsafe lesson was all about the word trust. Please read the letter below for more information.

Well done Year 2 - another really successful week!

Let’s Celebrate

Lily – you have been a real Enthusiastic Bobby Bee in our class this week.  It has been an absolute delight to see your beaming smile and confident hand going up in just about every lesson, eager to share your ideas with the rest of the class.  You have also been such a kind learning partner, helping those around you when they have needed it with such kind hands and words.  Thank you Lily!

Finley, what a ‘Don’t Give Up Sadie Spider’ you are!  Nothing is ever too much of a challenge for you and you always put your all into everything you do.  You listen so carefully to advice and feedback and use it to help to improve your work and will always ask questions when you’re unsure.  Keep it up Finley – these are all qualities of a reflective and successful learner. 


Our trip to Imagine That is growing closer which the children are very excited about! This means that Jacqui in the kitchen needs to know how many packed lunches are needed for the children. Your child can either bring their own packed lunch or can choose to have a packed lunch made up at school for them consisting of a cheese, tuna or ham sandwich, a snack, a piece of fruit and a drink. Please could you send me a quick email stating whether your children will be having a packed lunch from school or home, and if from school, is this tuna, ham or cheese? Can I please receive this by Tuesday next week so that I can send the order through to Jacqui. Thank you!
The children will be wearing their full school uniform on the trip and must have a coat with them. They can bring their own small backpack which will hold their lunch and a drink of water that they can access throughout the day. You may want to pack a separate drink for lunch, but please only juice or water - no fizzy drinks allowed.
We are travelling to Liverpool which should hopefully take no longer than an hour, but if your child does get travel sick, please do let me know so that I can monitor them.
The children need to be at school at the earlier time of 8:30am so that the coach can set off before 9am. I will open the gate on St Patrick’s at 8:30am, so all of Year 2 will come into school the same way on this morning. I am hoping to be back at school by no later than 3:30pm, so Year 2 will not have the earlier collection time of 3:10pm on this day. If you do have any questions about our trip on Thursday 25th November, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you to those children who have already brought wellies into school so that the field can still be used at playtimes.

Have a lovely weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team