This week...

A fabulous week of learning at nursery. The children are growing each week in confidence and taking more challenge in their play and learning. We are proud of each and every one of them.

One of our number two challenges this week was to sort and pair socks and wellies, but guess what, we can’t find our sock box anywhere. Can you help? If you have any old socks of different sizes and patterns we would be most grateful for donations. Thank you in anticipation.

Clare, Colette and Hannah’s blog

This week we have continued to thank God for all the amazing animals on the planet! We have drawn even more interesting animals and we even had a vote for our favourite animal. Alongside this, we just had to learn an animal song too! Click here to watch the song ‘Animal House’

The Autumn winds have blown lots of leaves around Nursery garden…on Wednesday it was so windy that it looked like it was raining leaves!! We had lots of fun exploring the different kinds of leaves and looking at all the beautiful colours on the ground. We even discovered one or two wiggly worms hiding at the bottom of the pile of leaves.

We have been continuing to look at the Number three and have been continuing to practise our m, a, s, d and t sounds with our lovely Geraldine the Giraffe. Why not get wrapped up warm and head out on a lovely Autumn walk to see if you can find anything that starts with one of our sounds? There is usually a few things at the park beginning with ‘S’. Or try the sound quiz on purple mash… Click here

As we mentioned in last week’s blog we have begun to organise our Nativity play. We have been sharing the Christmas story with the children and they have been asking lots of questions (as they always do!!). Everyone has been getting excited about their role in the Nativity.

Now for the photos!

Next week we will be learning the songs for the Nativity and also our lines in readiness for filming. Costumes are ready, cameras are set, it’s all systems go… hopefully. The play will go live on this blog in a few weeks time, I will let you know the date as soon as I can…watch this space.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and wrap up warm, apparently it’s going to be cold…brrrrrr!

Barbara, Clare, Colette, Hannah and Frances