Year 5 home learning to be handed in Friday 26th November


Pease enjoy your reading. Remember you have chosen your books for this half term and we are almost half way through. Are you on track to meet your target? Use your book mark with care so you can see daily progress - remember “little by little leads to A LOT!”.


This week we have two puzzles to think deeply about. These have been placed inside your homework book- but they are also here (press the button below). If you lose your sheet just copy the questions into your book. Think hard about the answers and make sure you are ready to explain “why?” in class.

English Grammar

We have revised conjunctions this week. Earlier in school we learnt all about coordinating conjunctions and then we built on this with subordinating conjunctions. This week we have carefully used formal conjunctions in our non-chronological writing. For homework we are going to practice the coordinating and sub-ordinating conjunctions in IXL ENGLISH Q2 and Q3.


Science: this week we have explored forces and movement. We have begun to understand that different forces are acting on an object when it moves. In class on Friday Mrs Hotchkiss investigated the effectiveness of a parachute. We dropped 3 parachutes. Each parachute was made from the same fabric but each was a different size. This led to a discussion about air resistance. We completed the experiment measuring the time it took to fall. The longer it took the better the parachute. We then asked the children how we could take the experiment forward - what variable could we change and then test? The children suggested:

  • Three parachutes (the same size) but made from different material

  • Three Parachutes (same materials) different shapes

  • Three Parachutes same material and the same shape but with different lengths of string.

Please choose ONE of the above to test. Can you drop the parachute from a window and film the event? Only a parent can drop from the window all pupils need to be in charge of the film. Drop all three consecutively - and film before sending to Mrs Hotchkiss - the best way to send film is via we transfer (free online tranfer) - my email for this: