"Shoot for the moon and you'll be among the stars"

Flying rockets (tubes), paper aeroplanes (different designs) and parachutes were all moving in and out of class this week! I’m sure you can guess which subject we were studying? Yes science! Our topic is FORCES and MOVEMENT (physics). New vocabulary filled the lessons: velocity, air resistance, drag, up-lift, gravity, push and pull, thrust, tension, energy, aerodynamic and streamline! So interesting. In addition, we continued to study non-chronological report writing. We have mastered the formal conjunction and brackets (parenthesis). The children have been using their homework research to support their writing successfully. Exploring decimals in maths has been fun. We have spent a great deal of time on them - but I’m confident that the children understand them deeply and can apply this knowledge. We got creative in music - we explored words that rhyme in relation to our theme - climate change- and we’re composing a cool rap. Hopefully, next week a song will rise from the children’ ideas! We have developed our rugby skills over several weeks. As a result, we were able to play a house tournament. Fair play and teamwork was evident throughout the lesson- Amber made an excellent referee too.

See picture below of our first science lesson!


Our Growth Mindset Certificates went to: Julia and Stephanie

Our Compassionate certificate went to: Amber

Well done all!


Please bring spare wellingtons or old trainers - so we can use the field for play in the winter- thank you

Have a lovely weekend - from the whole Year 5 team