Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

On Tuesday the children ventured into St Annes, for their first ever school trip! They were such role models for Our Lady’s and made me so proud! They were able to identify lots of different human and physical geographical features along the way and had great fun using their ‘eye spy’ sheet, to explore our local area. Following this, we played with the parachute on the beach and had a wonderful time in the fresh sea air. I hope you enjoy the photos below…look at all those happy faces!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been partitioning numbers within 10, into 2 and 3 parts! They then used this learning to add the numbers together, using the addition symbol.

In English the children have been writing creative sentences with ‘and’. They then wrote character descriptions for Mole and Crocodile, by joining two sentences together. I was so impressed with the children’s choice of adjectives. They are growing to be such creative writers!

We had our third Kidsafe lesson this week. We learned all about using technology safely. Please find this weeks Parent Letter attached for you to read.



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for growing your brain! Louie, you smile all day long and get so excited about growing your brain – it’s amazing! Your enthusiasm has made you a whizz at using your rekenrek in maths. It’s been lovely to see you grinning to yourself, all because you believe in the power of your brilliant brain! Well done Louie!

Focused Cooper Crab: For focusing on all of your learning and always trying your hardest. Myles, you love to learn and enjoy getting all of your ideas into your book. It’s been wonderful to watch you become more and more focused this half term and being a role model to your class friends on the Owl Table. Twit- twoo Myles, keep up the brilliant concentration.


  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.

  • In Year One this week, we’ve had some uninvited visitors…head lice! Please check your child’s hair over the weekend and treat and re-treat if necessary. Thank you!

  • Just a reminder about reporting illness. If your child is unwell you should inform school directly through the Attendance page on the Discover page. I always appreciate you letting me know via an email, although please know this is not necessary. I kindly ask that you always let the office know via the online form; I don’t always get the time in the morning to pass on messages to the office. Thank you!

God Bless and have a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team